(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2016-04-22 11:33:00 UTC
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
I do believe in recincarnation, that your soul does come back as another
person, I have read quite a few things on that one. With one one web site
says, if it gets out, it could spell trouble for Donald Trump, as some
people believe he the reincarnation of Adolf HItler.

While I believe that Hitler's soul may have incarnated into Trump's body, he
is certainly NOT going to turn America into another Nazi Germany. He is NOT
that kind of person. Trump is NO fascist and NO Nazi, though some of his
potential vice presidential picks are.

I believe in things like ghosts and reincarnation, and stuff like that. And
paranormal experts say that Michelle is the reincarnation of Sonja Henie, I
gotta believe them, as many comparisons can be made between the two. Both
skaters were successful at a vey young age. Both skaters appeared in Worlds
12 times, with Michelle winning 5 titles and Sonja winning 10.

Because certain traits tend to go from one life to another, the comparisons
between the two. Henie won her her first Nowegian national title in 1923, at
the age of 11. Michelle got her first national title in 1994, by default, at
the age of 14. Both were the most decorated skaters of their time periods.

MIchelle is the most decorated skater in American history, hands down, just
like Sonja was the most decorated skater of her time.
Sonja and Michelle were among the most
decorated skaters during their competitive careers. Sonja won 10 European
titles and Michelle won 10 National titles (even though some RABID
Tonyaphiles will insist she only won 9, and refuse to recognise the title
Michelle got by default when Tonya was stripped of her 1994 title)
Then why does the official list by the USFSA list 1994 as having no
Whoever put up that list knows not what in the HELL they are doing. Its
simple math. Michelle was number 2, Tonya was number 1. Eliminate Tonya,
Michelle moves up, making her number 1. Obviously the USFSA is listening to
a bunch of rabid Tonuyaphiles on that one.
Michelle's 5 world titles are something NOT OTHIER AMERICAN has done, in
discipline, overtaking Carol Heiss, who had four titles (1957-1960).
Carol Heiss won 5 (FIVE) World Championships (1956-1960).
Tenley Albright won 1954-56. Carol did not win her first world title until
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-22 13:12:04 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
I do believe in recincarnation, that your soul
Provide evidence that any such thing as a "soul" exists. Until you
establish that, anything you say on the subject is worthless.
Post by Fritz Owl
does come back as another
person, I have read quite a few things on that one. With one one web site
says, if it gets out, it could spell trouble for Donald Trump, as some
people believe he the reincarnation of Adolf HItler.
Nobody believes any such thing. Why are you this stupid?
Post by Fritz Owl
While I believe that Hitler's soul may have incarnated into Trump's body,
What "soul"? Until you provide evidence, your talk of "souls" is just as
stupid as your imaginary world.
Post by Fritz Owl
is certainly NOT going to turn America into another Nazi Germany. He is NOT
that kind of person. Trump is NO fascist and NO Nazi, though some of his
potential vice presidential picks are.
He most definitely is a fascist. But not in the manner of Hitler; he's a
Mussolini type.
Post by Fritz Owl
I believe in things like ghosts and reincarnation,
Why? What is your evidence for believing in such things?
Post by Fritz Owl
and stuff like that. And
paranormal experts say that Michelle is the reincarnation of Sonja Henie,
Who are these "paranormal experts"? I want names.
Post by Fritz Owl
gotta believe them, as many comparisons can be made between the two. Both
skaters were successful at a vey young age. Both skaters appeared in Worlds
12 times, with Michelle winning 5 titles and Sonja winning 10.
So fucking what?
Post by Fritz Owl
Because certain traits tend to go from one life to another, the comparisons
between the two. Henie won her her first Nowegian national title in 1923, at
the age of 11. Michelle got her first national title in 1994, by default, at
the age of 14. Both were the most decorated skaters of their time periods.
And neither of those facts supports your stupid theory./
Post by Fritz Owl
MIchelle is the most decorated skater in American history, hands down, just
like Sonja was the most decorated skater of her time.
Post by Fritz Owl
Sonja and Michelle were among the most
decorated skaters during their competitive careers. Sonja won 10 European
titles and Michelle won 10 National titles (even though some RABID
Tonyaphiles will insist she only won 9, and refuse to recognise the title
Michelle got by default when Tonya was stripped of her 1994 title)
Then why does the official list by the USFSA list 1994 as having no
Whoever put up that list knows not what in the HELL they are doing.
the very people who run the US Championships, don't know what they're
talking about? Really?

Is that really what you're saying?
Post by Fritz Owl
simple math. Michelle was number 2, Tonya was number 1. Eliminate Tonya,
Michelle moves up, making her number 1. Obviously the USFSA is listening to
a bunch of rabid Tonuyaphiles on that one.
Except they didn't do that because Michelle didn't win so she can't have
the gold. The USFSA always hated Tonya, so you made another moronic
statement in thinking that they would EVER do Tonya any favors.
Post by Fritz Owl
Michelle's 5 world titles are something NOT OTHIER AMERICAN has done, in
discipline, overtaking Carol Heiss, who had four titles (1957-1960).
Carol Heiss won 5 World Championships, from 1956-1960. I've already
corrected that mistake, so why did you make it again?
Post by Fritz Owl
Carol Heiss won 5 (FIVE) World Championships (1956-1960).
And here you got it right. You can't even keep your lies straight.
Post by Fritz Owl
Tenley Albright won 1954-56. Carol did not win her first world title until
Just as you said above she won her first in 1956. Tenley Albright only
won silver in 1956.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-23 14:27:33 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
I do believe in recincarnation, that your soul
Provide evidence that any such thing as a "soul" exists. Until you
establish that, anything you say on the subject is worthless.
The Bible says that the soul exists. There is such a thing as heaven and
hell. This is also why I want to outlaw abortion. I am one of those who
believes that there are souls in heaven and hell waiting to come back, but
cannot because of women having abortions. This is one of the few things that
both christianity and the occult do agree on. Abortion MUST be outlawed, AT

Also, you can find documnetaries in reincarnation proving that is does
exist. While VIEWING them on youtube is not illegal, posting the links to
them may be, because they are under copywright. But you if you search for
them, you find them.

You will also find many websites on the subject, showing the reincarnation
does eixt.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-23 22:42:23 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
I do believe in recincarnation, that your soul
Provide evidence that any such thing as a "soul" exists. Until you
establish that, anything you say on the subject is worthless.
The Bible says that the soul exists.
So what? The bible is a book of fiction, so nothing in it means anything
in the real world. So try again.

What evidence do you have that any such thing as a "soul" exists?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-25 13:42:11 UTC
I APPLAUD this one fox anchorwoman's endorsement of disciplinary
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
A belief in spanking does NOT make one a psychopath. Spanking was common for
thousands of years until the liberal anti-spanking activists came along.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-25 23:59:39 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I APPLAUD this one fox anchorwoman's endorsement of disciplinary
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
A belief in spanking does NOT make one a psychopath. Spanking was common for
thousands of years until the liberal anti-spanking activists came along.
It was also common for thousands of years to own slaves. Are you
claiming that because of that it's okay to own slaves today?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-26 03:11:27 UTC
A bel
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-04-25 17:28:09 UTC
name DOB Age at 2018 Olympics
Polina Edmunds 18 May 1996 Age 21'
She was born May 18, 1998.
You have the wrong year, but the right day and month. She was born May 18,
1996 on Amery, United Republic Of New Devon and New Ingria (now Amery, New
Ingria) to a Russian mother and an American father.
Elena Radionova 07 Mar 1997 Age 20
She was born January 6, 1999
Elena .Tetrevyna Radionova was born March 9, 1997 in Tetrisk, Ivania,
Bellinsgiazenia and won the bronze medal for that country in 2015 in her
home country of Bellinsgiazenia.
Gracie Gold 27 Jul 1994 Age 23
She was born August 17, 1995.
Graciela Elena Gold era nacida en La Habana, Cuba, en al 27 julio de 1994.
Es americana, pero nacida en La Habana, Cuba. Su hermena menor, Carla Maria
Gold, era nacida in La Habana en el 11 de agosto de 1996.
Ricarda Maria Hongo 27 Sep 1996 Age 21
There's no such person. There is, however, a skater named Rika Hongo,
who was born September 6, 1996, in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, JAPAN.
Rika is short for Ricarda., He full name is Ricarda Maria Hongo. She was
born in Jublaya, Ungranpolar, Ognia (now Jublaya, New South Greenland) in
Note that the likely contenders for the 2018 gold, except one, will be in
their 20s, when Russia's Mevadeva being the exception, at 17 when the
Olympics come arond.
Yeah, because none of the juniors bubbling under are going to challenge
the girls who are already in skating.
The trouble is the minimum age limits will work against them to where they
will have to wait longer to become champion skaters, as skating is
political and skaters have to build up a repuatation.

That is why when I speak of Michelle beinig reincarnated after she dies and
coming back, it will be 80 years, or more, to see another Michelle Kwan or
Sonja Henie. The math is simple

Estimated lifetime reamaining 50 years
Time in cue for reincarnation 10 years
Time to develop as skater in next life 20 years

Total 80 years

The 10 years is based on the time when Sonja died and was reincarnated as
Michelle, 10 years, 4 months, and 4 days. Sonja died October 12, 1969 and
Michelle was born February 16, 1980.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-25 23:58:42 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
name DOB Age at 2018 Olympics
Polina Edmunds 18 May 1996 Age 21'
She was born May 18, 1998.
You have the wrong year,
No, I most certainly do not.
Post by Fritz Owl
but the right day and month. She was born May 18,
1996 on Amery, United Republic Of New Devon and New Ingria (now Amery, New
Ingria) to a Russian mother and an American father.
Why do you tell these stupid lies?

Polina Edmunds was born May 18, 1998, in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA, USA.
Post by Fritz Owl
Elena Radionova 07 Mar 1997 Age 20
She was born January 6, 1999
Elena .Tetrevyna Radionova was born March 9, 1997 in Tetrisk, Ivania,
Bellinsgiazenia and won the bronze medal for that country in 2015 in her
home country of Bellinsgiazenia.
More incredibly stupid lies. How can someone be from a country that
doesn't exist? And why do you think lying about someone's age makes it
fine to abuse a child, perv?

Elena Igorevna Radionova was born 6 January 1999, in Moscow, RUSSIA.
Post by Fritz Owl
Gracie Gold 27 Jul 1994 Age 23
She was born August 17, 1995.
Graciela Elena Gold era nacida en La Habana, Cuba, en al 27 julio de 1994.
Es americana, pero nacida en La Habana, Cuba. Su hermena menor, Carla Maria
Gold, era nacida in La Habana en el 11 de agosto de 1996.
Why do you think pretending that you speak Spanish makes your lies not
lies? You called Gracie both "it" and "he".

Grace Elizabeth Gold was born August 17, 1995, in Newton, MASSACHUSETTS,
USA. As was her sister--how can a TWIN be born 25 months after her twin.
This may be your stupidest lie ever, claiming that the twins' mother was
pregnant for 34 months with Gracie's younger (by 40 minutes) twin.
Post by Fritz Owl
Ricarda Maria Hongo 27 Sep 1996 Age 21
There's no such person. There is, however, a skater named Rika Hongo,
who was born September 6, 1996, in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, JAPAN.
Rika is short for Ricarda.,
No, it absolutely is not.
Post by Fritz Owl
He full name is Ricarda Maria Hongo.
No, it absolutely is not.
Post by Fritz Owl
She was
born in Jublaya, Ungranpolar, Ognia (now Jublaya, New South Greenland) in
Rika Hongo was born September 6, 1996, in Sendai, JAPAN.
Post by Fritz Owl
Note that the likely contenders for the 2018 gold, except one, will be in
their 20s, when Russia's Mevadeva being the exception, at 17 when the
Olympics come arond.
Yeah, because none of the juniors bubbling under are going to challenge
the girls who are already in skating.
The trouble is the minimum age limits will work against them to where they
will have to wait longer to become champion skaters, as skating is
political and skaters have to build up a repuatation.
So you're claiming that all the girls who are 14 today will still be too
young in 2 years???? Are you really this stupid?
Post by Fritz Owl
That is why when I speak of Michelle beinig reincarnated after she dies and
coming back, it will be 80 years, or more, to see another Michelle Kwan or
Sonja Henie. The math is simple
What the fuck does that have with who'll be eligible for the 2018


Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-26 00:04:41 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
So you're claiming that all the girls who are 14 today will still be too
young in 2 years???? Are you really this stupid?
I am not saying that will not be too young. What I am saying is that they
will not be have had sufficient senior level experience yet. The age limits
are creating gold medallists quite a bit older than they once were, and all
the top 2018 contenders except Mevadeva will be inb their 20s when the 2018
Olys come around. There are no up and coming juniors that are going to be a
serious challenge to any of the current top contenders at 2018 Olys.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-26 03:13:32 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I am n
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-26 06:42:38 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
So you're claiming that all the girls who are 14 today will still be too
young in 2 years???? Are you really this stupid?
I am not saying that will not be too young. What I am saying is that they
will not be have had sufficient senior level experience yet.
And yet today's 16 year olds winning medals had exactly the same amount
of senior level experience.

Why are you so fucking stupid?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-26 23:24:16 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Graciela Elena Gold era nacida en La Habana, Cuba, en al 27 julio de 1994.
Es americana, pero nacida en La Habana, Cuba. Su hermena menor, Carla Maria
Gold, era nacida in La Habana en el 11 de agosto de 1996.
Why do you think pretending that you speak Spanish makes your lies not
lies? You called Gracie both "it" and "he".
I did not write it that way. It is the way Google Translate reads it back
into English. Goiogle Translate is not the most perfect translation service
in the world. Since I do speak Spanish, I do not rely on Google Translate,
like I do other languages, becuase the translation can come out very weird.

Never fully trust Google Translate.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-26 23:44:37 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Graciela Elena Gold era nacida en La Habana, Cuba, en al 27 julio de 1994.
Es americana, pero nacida en La Habana, Cuba. Su hermena menor, Carla Maria
Gold, era nacida in La Habana en el 11 de agosto de 1996.
Why do you think pretending that you speak Spanish makes your lies not
lies? You called Gracie both "it" and "he".
I did not write it that way. It is the way Google Translate reads it back
into English. Goiogle Translate is not the most perfect translation service
in the world. Since I do speak Spanish, I do not rely on Google Translate,
like I do other languages, becuase the translation can come out very weird.
Never fully trust Google Translate.
I trust them more than I trust you.

Where's your apology for lying about Gracie and her TWIN sister?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-27 05:21:41 UTC
I di
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-26 03:12:12 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
You ha
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-04-27 03:23:29 UTC
By the way, reincarnation is not part of Christianity, so your espousal
of it is heresy. If you lived a few hundred years ago, you'd have been
burned at the stake for that.
It depends. The puritans, dominionists, and baptists do not believe in it.,
but other Christians. While I believe there God, Heaven, and Hell exist, I
am not a baptist, dominionist or Puritans.There are Christians that believe
in reincarnation.

For a long time when baptists and Puritans held sway in this country until
the late 19th century, Christmas was not even celebrated in America, nor was
it a holiday. Things changed when immigrats from Germany, Italy, Britain,
and later on, Latin America, changed that when Catholic, Anglican, and
Lutheran faiths replaced the traaditional puritan faiths, like the Baptists.

Early Christianity did believe in reincarnation. It wasn't until purtitanism
came along in the 16th and 17th centuries that really changed.

That being said, you can find all kinds of websites on the subject. The TV
show Is Seatch Of.. had a couple of shows on the subject.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-27 03:33:58 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
By the way, reincarnation is not part of Christianity, so your espousal
of it is heresy. If you lived a few hundred years ago, you'd have been
burned at the stake for that.
It depends. The puritans, dominionists, and baptists do not believe in it.,
but other Christians. While I believe there God, Heaven, and Hell exist, I
am not a baptist, dominionist or Puritans.There are Christians that believe
in reincarnation.
Prove it.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-27 05:22:27 UTC
It de
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-04-27 03:58:55 UTC
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
Spankers are NOT psychopaths. This one friend of my fathers was a firm
believer in spankings (wife too), and he was NO psychopath. He was an old
fashioned man with old fashioned Catholic values. He spanked his wife, but
was never abusive towards her. He was very careful about that.

Spanking, wife too, is still common in a lot of predoniately Catholic
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-27 04:32:03 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
Spankers are NOT psychopaths.
Anyone who thinks causing pain to another human being is acceptable is
absolutely a psychopath.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-28 18:38:18 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
Spankers are NOT psychopaths.
Anyone who thinks causing pain to another human being is acceptable is
absolutely a psychopath.
Rubbish, a sore backside does teach a lesson. One skater who could have
benefitted from a sore backside a few times is Nicole Bobeck. She would have
never involved with drugs if her backside had been tanned regularly.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-28 18:46:22 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-28 22:57:17 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
Spankers are NOT psychopaths.
Anyone who thinks causing pain to another human being is acceptable is
absolutely a psychopath.
Rubbish, a sore backside does teach a lesson.
Yes, it teaches that violence is the solution to problems.

It's not. Violence IS the problem.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-28 22:58:07 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Yes, we all know you're a psychopath. You don't have to keep providing
evidence of it.
Spankers are NOT psychopaths.
Anyone who thinks causing pain to another human being is acceptable is
absolutely a psychopath.
Rubbish, a sore backside does teach a lesson. One skater who could have
benefitted from a sore backside a few times is Nicole Bobeck. She would have
never involved with drugs if her backside had been tanned regularly.
You're an idiot, you know that? There are more drug addicts who came
from violent homes than not. She would have become an addict years
earlier most likely.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-04-29 23:57:12 UTC
I come from a family of rednecks who DC o
No, something screwed up when I posted from my phone. Anrdoid does have that
kind of problem
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-30 05:49:25 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

2016-04-30 00:06:14 UTC
No it is not. The hairbrush is still in common use in the American South
And it's a tool of physical abuse. Every time you defend beating a child
black & blue you are providing more proof of your psychopathy.
I got that a few times from grandmum growing up, and I feel it did me some
good. THAT is how it was DONE in Australia when she was growing up. She was
an old-time "spare the rod, spoil the child" type. It is how she raised her
children, and it did them some good. She would quite disagree with y ou that
spanking is beating. She raised her children in Biblical manner.

I have actually had inlfuence on that from two grandparents. My Australian
grandmother on one side believed in it, and so did my German-born
grandmother on the other. She raised her nine children with the strap,, and
was NOT afraid to USE it on ANY of her children got out of line. That is how
things were DONE in GERMANY. When bringing up a family of nine, like she
did, there had to be DISCIPLINE in the home, and she was an EXPERT on that.
She used the strap OFTEN on her children, and all nine of them were all
better people for it.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-30 03:40:35 UTC
Post by Chilly8
No it is not. The hairbrush is still in common use in the American South
And it's a tool of physical abuse. Every time you defend beating a child
black & blue you are providing more proof of your psychopathy.
I got that a few times from grandmum growing up, and I feel it did me some
good. THAT is how it was DONE in Australia when she was growing up. She was
an old-time "spare the rod, spoil the child" type. It is how she raised her
children, and it did them some good. She would quite disagree with y ou that
spanking is beating. She raised her children in Biblical manner.
And that's why YOU're a psychopath.
Post by Chilly8
I have actually had inlfuence on that from two grandparents. My Australian
grandmother on one side believed in it, and so did my German-born
grandmother on the other. She raised her nine children with the strap,, and
was NOT afraid to USE it on ANY of her children got out of line. That is how
things were DONE in GERMANY. When bringing up a family of nine, like she
did, there had to be DISCIPLINE in the home, and she was an EXPERT on that.
She used the strap OFTEN on her children, and all nine of them were all
better people for it.
Nobody gives a shit about your imaginary grandparents.

The strap is not discipline; it's terrorism, plain and simple. And
turning her children into psychopaths is proof.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-02 00:34:35 UTC
Cut it out with that psychology today horseshit will you.
You don't have to read those posts, you know.
I could say the same thing to him, and you, about my posts. If you don't
like them, put me in your killfile. While the guy who posts that Psychology
Today horseshit is not filtered on my phone, he is filtered on my computer.

Find some way to filter my posts, and you will be done with it.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-02 01:48:35 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Cut it out with that psychology today horseshit will you.
You don't have to read those posts, you know.
I could say the same thing to him, and you, about my posts. If you don't
like them, put me in your killfile. While the guy who posts that Psychology
Today horseshit is not filtered on my phone, he is filtered on my computer.
Find some way to filter my posts, and you will be done with it.
Why would I allow you to lie to people?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-05-02 06:58:21 UTC
I cou
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-30 05:52:02 UTC
I go
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-27 05:25:39 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-05-04 01:09:12 UTC
So fucking what? That's the whole point. The bible is a misogynistic
piece of fiction and anybody who worships the genocidal torturing
psychopathic monster of a god described in it is a psychopath himself.
Christians, other than Baptists, Puritans, or Dominisits, are NOT
psychopaths. Not ALL Christians are pychopaths. Catholics are NOT
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-04 03:21:52 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
So fucking what? That's the whole point. The bible is a misogynistic
piece of fiction and anybody who worships the genocidal torturing
psychopathic monster of a god described in it is a psychopath himself.
Christians, other than Baptists, Puritans, or Dominisits, are NOT
psychopaths. Not ALL Christians are pychopaths. Catholics are NOT
Then they're cowards.

There are only 2 reasons to worship a genocidal torturing psychopathic
monster--either you're a monster yourself or you're a fucking coward,
afraid of an imaginary character in a book of myths.

So which are you? Psychopath or coward?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-04 04:37:28 UTC
I am neither. There is a God, a heaven and a hell. It is written in the
The bible is a book of fiction. There was no Garden of Eden. There was
no Adam & Eve.
There is one In Search Of... show on that topic, thoiugh I cannot post the
YouTube link itself, due to uncharted legal waters, under US laws, on the
mere posting of links. But you should be able to find it.

There most definitely was no Moses

Yes there was a Moses


and no Exodus.

Point your browser here


was no Jericho;
And there's not a shred of evidence that Jesus ever
Jesus did exist

Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-04 05:31:06 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I am neither. There is a God, a heaven and a hell. It is written in the
The bible is a book of fiction. There was no Garden of Eden. There was
no Adam & Eve.
There is one In Search Of...
A fictional show??? Seriously?
Post by Fritz Owl
show on that topic, thoiugh I cannot post the
YouTube link itself, due to uncharted legal waters, under US laws, on the
mere posting of links. But you should be able to find it.
What "US laws"?

You realize you just admitted that you're lying about this?
Post by Fritz Owl
There most definitely was no Moses
Yes there was a Moses
No, there never was. Why do you think a religious source with an agenda
would tell the truth?
Post by Fritz Owl
and no Exodus.
Point your browser here
I see you're another moron who posts links without reading them:

"The archeological evidence does not support the story told in the Book
of Exodus[5] and most archaeologists have therefore abandoned the
investigation of Moses and the Exodus as "a fruitless pursuit""

The Jews were never slaves in Egypt, so there was nobody to exodus.

How could 2 million people wander the Sinai Peninsula, which is as small
as West Virginia, and not leave a single trace of their passage?
Post by Fritz Owl
was no Jericho;
Another link you didn't read:

"Excavations at Tell es-Sultan, the biblical Jericho, have failed to
produce data to substantiate the biblical story,[2] and scholars are
virtually unanimous that the Book of Joshua holds little of historical
Post by Fritz Owl
And there's not a shred of evidence that Jesus ever
Jesus did exist
Then why is there not even one tiny piece of evidence that he did?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-05 00:21:11 UTC
There is a God, a Heaven, and a Hell.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-05 03:51:21 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
There is a God, a Heaven, and a Hell.
Prove it. I mean it, provide evidence that any of those things exist.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-06 01:53:13 UTC
I believe in God. America is a Christian country, founded on Christian
principles. That is why Bernie Sanders would NEVER be elected President if
he DID get the nomination. He would NEVER carry the Bible Belt states, and
there is no POSSIBLE way to win without carrying the Bible Belt. People in
that part of the country are NOT going to vote for a Godless Commie like

Trump will carry the Bible Belt states EASILY, and there is NO WAY to win
the election if you do not carry the Bible Belt states.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-06 04:05:54 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I believe in God. America is a Christian country, founded on Christian
No, it absolutely is nothing of the kind. According to the Founding
Fathers, most of whom were deists or atheists.
Post by Fritz Owl
That is why Bernie Sanders would NEVER be elected President if
he DID get the nomination. He would NEVER carry the Bible Belt states, and
there is no POSSIBLE way to win without carrying the Bible Belt. People in
that part of the country are NOT going to vote for a Godless Commie like
Trump will carry the Bible Belt states EASILY, and there is NO WAY to win
the election if you do not carry the Bible Belt states.
That's interesting.

Then how did Obama win? Twice?

Gawd, you're stupid.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-05-06 07:43:33 UTC
I bel
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-05-05 07:19:50 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-05-04 05:39:31 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-05-04 05:41:32 UTC
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Drop fucking dead, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-04-23 22:45:40 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
I do believe in recincarnation, that your soul
Provide evidence that any such thing as a "soul" exists. Until you
establish that, anything you say on the subject is worthless.
The Bible says that the soul exists. There is such a thing as heaven and
hell. This is also why I want to outlaw abortion. I am one of those who
believes that there are souls in heaven and hell waiting to come back, but
cannot because of women having abortions. This is one of the few things that
both christianity and the occult do agree on. Abortion MUST be outlawed, AT
Also, you can find documnetaries in reincarnation proving that is does
exist. While VIEWING them on youtube is not illegal, posting the links to
them may be, because they are under copywright. But you if you search for
them, you find them.
You will also find many websites on the subject, showing the reincarnation
does eixt.
Every single one of which is a fraud.

There's no such thing as god, any god. There's no such thing as a
"soul"; when you die, you're dead. Period.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-24 06:20:56 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
does eixt.
English much, you yammering fuckhead?

All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Chilly8 is a mentally ill trolling psycopath
2016-04-23 08:52:39 UTC
I do
All of the time, you're a lying trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-06-05 11:36:35 UTC
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
Another thing I do believe in ghosts.
Why am I not surprised that you believe this stupid fantasy as well?
I do believe that there is a heaven, and a hell, and that things like ghosts
and souls to exist. Check out TV shows like Ghost Hunters, and you will see
they do exist.

Disneyland is known as one of the most haunted amusement parks in America.
No Disneyland for you, however, since the ONLY way to get to Disneyland is
by CAR, unless you live close to the park. Disney MADE it that way, so they
can collect the $18 parking free from as many guests as possible. There is
NO public transit into Disneyland from outside of Anaheim.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-05 13:51:43 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
Another thing I do believe in ghosts.
Why am I not surprised that you believe this stupid fantasy as well?
I do believe that there is a heaven, and a hell,
Yes, you've already told me that. Telling me again does nothing to
convince me that those places, or your god, or ghosts, or reincarnation,
are real.

I don't give a shit why you believe because it's all delusion. Believing
in something for which there is absolutely zero evidence is a sign of
stupidity and irrationality.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-05 13:53:44 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I read where Michelle Kwan is blieved to be the reincarnation of Sonia
Henie. That would make some sense.
How does an imaginary thing make sense. There's no such thing as
reincarnation because once you die there's nothing left to reincarnate.
Another thing I do believe in ghosts.
Why am I not surprised that you believe this stupid fantasy as well?
I do believe that there is a heaven, and a hell, and that things like ghosts
and souls to exist. Check out TV shows like Ghost Hunters, and you will see
they do exist.
Are you actually saying that you think they've found actual ghosts on
Ghost Hunter??? If that's what you think, you're crazier and far more
gullible than I could have imagined.
Post by Fritz Owl
Disneyland is known as one of the most haunted amusement parks in America.
No Disneyland for you, however, since the ONLY way to get to Disneyland is
by CAR, unless you live close to the park. Disney MADE it that way, so they
can collect the $18 parking free from as many guests as possible. There is
NO public transit into Disneyland from outside of Anaheim.
And there you go, lying again. I get there the same way I get to the
ballpark--on the train. Then I can catch a bus or call a cab for the
last couple of miles.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-06 02:37:03 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Disneyland is known as one of the most haunted amusement parks in America.
No Disneyland for you, however, since the ONLY way to get to Disneyland is
by CAR, unless you live close to the park. Disney MADE it that way, so they
can collect the $18 parking free from as many guests as possible. There is
NO public transit into Disneyland from outside of Anaheim.
And there you go, lying again. I get there the same way I get to the
ballpark--on the train. Then I can catch a bus or call a cab for the
last couple of miles.
I know that at at two campgrounds I stayed at on a couple of trips, public
transportation was NOT an option. There is NO public transit from Azusa to
Disneyland. That campground is about 49 miles from Disneyland. MTA and
Metrolink DO NOT SERVE Azusa.

The same would have applied if I had used that campground, when travelling
to Skate America when it was in Pomona. There is NO public transportation
from Azusa to Citizens Business Bank Arena, in Pomona.

Oak Flats Campground, about 10 miles north of Magic Mountain is another
example of where DRIVING is the ONLY way to get to Disneyland. To travel the
75 miles to Disneyland from there can ONLY be DONE by CAR. However, wiih the
housing development that is going in, in the area, maybe MTA will have
public transporation there someday in the future. But, for right now, the
ONLY way to travel in the Magic Mountain area is by CAR.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-06 04:38:03 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Disneyland is known as one of the most haunted amusement parks in America.
No Disneyland for you, however, since the ONLY way to get to Disneyland is
by CAR, unless you live close to the park. Disney MADE it that way, so they
can collect the $18 parking free from as many guests as possible. There is
NO public transit into Disneyland from outside of Anaheim.
And there you go, lying again. I get there the same way I get to the
ballpark--on the train. Then I can catch a bus or call a cab for the
last couple of miles.
I know that at at two campgrounds I stayed at on a couple of trips, public
transportation was NOT an option. There is NO public transit from Azusa to
I don't live in Azusa so why the fuck do you think I give a shit?

And I guarantee you that you're wrong. Why are you completely unaware
that the Gold Line now goes all the way to Azusa? So you take the Gold
Line to Union Station and get on Amtrak or Metrolink, get off at Anaheim
Stadium, and bus or cab it the last couple of miles.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-08 10:20:13 UTC
There is also the Oak Flat Campground, which is covered by a $30 annual
pass, good for several campgrounds in the Angeles Natinal Forest, a good
bargain, if you are a frequent traveller to Knotts, Universal, Disneyland,
and/or Magic Mountain from that Campground.

However, from Oak Flat, which is about 10 miles north of Magic Mountain,
DRIVING is the ONLY way to get to those parks. The area around Oak Flat
Campground is NOT SERVED by public transporation, so DRIVING is the ONLY way
from there, to make the 75 mile trip to Disneyland. There is NO bus, Metro,
or Metrolink service in the the Magic Mountain area. So, if I stay at that
campground, DRIVING is the ONLY way to get to ANY of the major SoCal
amusement parks.

Theat is the only caveat of having a $30 forest service annual pass. Driving
is the ONLY way to get to Disneyland from Oak Flat Campground. That aslso
means having to leave VERY early in the morning to get to Disneyland by 8AM,
because the construction project on I-5 does tie up traffic at times.
Hoever, I have NO OTHER CHOICE when I stay at Oak Flat Campground, and there
is NO public transporation anywhere NEAR Oak Flat Campground.

I can see now WHY there are widening and improving I-5 in that area. With
all the new residential development going on, people living in Valencia and
Newhall, once these homes get built in the next few years, will HAVE to
DRIVE to jobs in Los Angeles.

Anyone living in those new communities, who, say, want to go to an Angels
game, will HAVE to DRIVE to Anaheim, as neither Metrolink, or MTA serve that
area, and probably wont for YEARS to come. Residents in that area will have
to DRIVE the 65 miles from Valencia/Newhall to Angels stadium.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-08 10:53:08 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
There is also the Oak Flat Campground,
Who the fuck cares about some stupid campground.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-08 11:12:25 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
There is also the Oak Flat Campground,
Who the fuck cares about some stupid campground.
Becuase that is where I stay sometimes. With an annual $30 a year pass,
frequent travellers to any of the major SoCal parks could not find a BETTER
bargain. .
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-08 13:27:35 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
There is also the Oak Flat Campground,
Who the fuck cares about some stupid campground.
Becuase that is where I stay sometimes.
Like I said--who the fuck cares about some stupid campground?

If you want people to care about the things you do you have to stop
lying about people's lives. Otherwise, nobody gives a shit.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-10 06:43:06 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
You're too stupid to spell "because," asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-10 06:41:58 UTC
Drop fucking dead NOW, you trolling piece of SHIT!

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-06-10 10:37:28 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I know that at at two campgrounds I stayed at on a couple of trips, public
transportation was NOT an option. There is NO public transit from Azusa to
I don't live in Azusa so why the fuck do you think I give a shit?
And I guarantee you that you're wrong. Why are you completely unaware
that the Gold Line now goes all the way to Azusa? So you take the Gold
Line to Union Station and get on Amtrak or Metrolink, get off at Anaheim
Stadium, and bus or cab it the last couple of miles.
Anyone who uses public transit when they can drive is NUTS. Driving is far
mroe convenient. From the campground I stayed at in Azusa, all I had to do
was get on the 210 freeway to the 57 freeway, then off Ball Rd to Disneyland
drive right into the Mickey and Friends lot. WHAT could be EASIER. ANYONE
who would take one train and they switch to another is NUTS.

Public transportation is inconvienient and WASTE OF TIME.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-10 13:10:51 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I know that at at two campgrounds I stayed at on a couple of trips, public
transportation was NOT an option. There is NO public transit from Azusa to
I don't live in Azusa so why the fuck do you think I give a shit?
And I guarantee you that you're wrong. Why are you completely unaware
that the Gold Line now goes all the way to Azusa? So you take the Gold
Line to Union Station and get on Amtrak or Metrolink, get off at Anaheim
Stadium, and bus or cab it the last couple of miles.
Anyone who uses public transit when they can drive is NUTS.
Why do you think I give a shit about your moronic opinion?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-10 13:11:25 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I know that at at two campgrounds I stayed at on a couple of trips, public
transportation was NOT an option. There is NO public transit from Azusa to
I don't live in Azusa so why the fuck do you think I give a shit?
And I guarantee you that you're wrong. Why are you completely unaware
that the Gold Line now goes all the way to Azusa? So you take the Gold
Line to Union Station and get on Amtrak or Metrolink, get off at Anaheim
Stadium, and bus or cab it the last couple of miles.
Anyone who uses public transit when they can drive is NUTS. Driving is far
mroe convenient. From the campground I stayed at in Azusa, all I had to do
was get on the 210 freeway to the 57 freeway, then off Ball Rd to Disneyland
drive right into the Mickey and Friends lot. WHAT could be EASIER. ANYONE
who would take one train and they switch to another is NUTS.
Public transportation is inconvienient and WASTE OF TIME.
Oh, yeah, and sitting in traffic on the 5 for 2 hours trying to get to
Anaheim is so convenient.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-10 14:20:09 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Oh, yeah, and sitting in traffic on the 5 for 2 hours trying to get to
Anaheim is so convenient.
That depends on which campground I use. If I use the one near Azusa, I take
the 210 to the 57 to Ball Road, then turn left right into the Mickey and
Friends lot. WHAT could be EASIER that THAT. It clocks in at 46 miles.

It would take about 3 and 1/2 hours from Azusa on two MTA buses and two OCTA
buses. Even in the WORST of traffic, it does not take more than two hours
from Azusa, so I actually save 90 minutes each way when I am staying in

And as for the one in the Magic Mountain area, there is NO public transit,
because Google SAYS SO. when you select the option on Google Maps for public
transit, it will say:

Sorry, we could not calculate transit directions from "Six Flags Magic
Mountain, 26101 Magic Mountain Parkway, Valencia, CA 91355" to "Disneyland
Park, 1313 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA 92802

That means there is NO public transport from the Magic Mountain area to

In fact, there is NO public transporation in the Magic Mountain area,
PERIOD, becuase Google SAYS SO.

So do NOT tell me there are public trnasport options in the Magic Mountain
area when they are NO. Google is RIGHT, and I am RIGHT, and you are WRONG.
There is NO public transporation in the Magic Mountain area.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-10 21:46:33 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Oh, yeah, and sitting in traffic on the 5 for 2 hours trying to get to
Anaheim is so convenient.
That depends on which campground I use.
Nobody gives a shit.
Post by Fritz Owl
That means there is NO public transport from the Magic Mountain area to
Post by Fritz Owl
In fact, there is NO public transporation in the Magic Mountain area,
PERIOD, becuase Google SAYS SO.
Post by Fritz Owl
So do NOT tell me there are public trnasport options in the Magic Mountain
area when they are NO. Google is RIGHT, and I am RIGHT, and you are WRONG.
There is NO public transporation in the Magic Mountain area.


Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-11 05:04:58 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-11 05:03:29 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-10 06:39:56 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I know
You know nothing, you ignorant piece of SHIT!

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-09 20:05:32 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I do believe
Nobody gives a shit, you trolling vermin.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.
