Supervolcanic eruption
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Fritz Owl
2016-12-24 00:49:15 UTC
There is word about that one supervolcano may be getting ready to erupt,
which would be largest known eruption since the year 1257 anywhere on earth.
It is said the Campei Flegrei may be getting ready to blow.

If it goes up at the power of largest known eruption, it will be the largest
anywhere on earth 1257. In 1257, the Lombok supervolcano went on in
Indonesia with a VEI 7, and 800km3 of eruptive products. Camp Flegrei could
put out up to 500km3 of eruptive products, based on its largest known

The eruption of the Lombok supervolcano plunged the earth into a volcanic
winter that lasted 700 years. This is why I consider all this talk about man
made global warming to be a LOAD of BULLSHIT. The higher level of warming
over the past few decades has become becuase the earth has finally recovered
from the volcanic winter, including the Little Ice Age, that lasted around
700 years.

The volcanic winter caused by the Lombok supervolcano in 1257 allowed for
ice skating on frozen rivers and ponds you don't see today.

While a full power eruption of Flegrei would be a disaster in the short
time, the centuries long volcanic winter that would follow wold result in
the Seine and Thames freezing over in the winter, among other things. While
it might raise interest in the sport in Britain and France, it wold be a
LONG time before either country became a skating power. While France has
done fairly well in dance, and mens, France has NEVER won ANY Olympic medals
in either ladies or Pairs.

It is also possible that the bay in Charleston, SC, might freeze over in
winter enough to skate in, like what happened during the Little Ice Age.

That might very well create an interest in the sport in the Southron states,
it is unlikely it would contribute to American skating for a long time.
There is NEVER been ANY skaters BORN in the South, except in Fliorida. Hell,
South Carolina does not even HAVE any ice rinks.

And Los Angeles possibly being cool enough in winter to have a Winter
Olympics? That would help bring more skating to Southern California. The Los
Angeles Metro Area, right now, ONLY has THREE ice skating rinks, in
Valencia, Artesia, and Aliso Viejo. There has NEVER been ANY figure skaters
BORN in the LA metro area, though some have TRAINED there, the most notable
right now being Cuban-American skater Graciela Elena "Gracie' Gold (born in
Havana, Cuba in 1994).
Jeanne Douglas
2016-12-24 06:05:21 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
There is word about that one supervolcano may be getting ready to erupt,
which would be largest known eruption since the year 1257 anywhere on earth.
It is said the Campei Flegrei may be getting ready to blow.
If it goes up at the power of largest known eruption, it will be the largest
anywhere on earth 1257. In 1257, the Lombok supervolcano went on in
Indonesia with a VEI 7, and 800km3 of eruptive products. Camp Flegrei could
put out up to 500km3 of eruptive products, based on its largest known
The eruption of the Lombok supervolcano plunged the earth into a volcanic
winter that lasted 700 years. This is why I consider all this talk about man
made global warming to be a LOAD of BULLSHIT. The higher level of warming
over the past few decades has become becuase the earth has finally recovered
from the volcanic winter, including the Little Ice Age, that lasted around
700 years.
The volcanic winter caused by the Lombok supervolcano in 1257 allowed for
ice skating on frozen rivers and ponds you don't see today.
You were doing so well up to here.

And then you had to go and ruin it with your lies. Why?

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Fritz Owl
2016-12-24 12:50:54 UTC
There are ZERO ice rinks in South Carolina.

There are only THREE rinks in the LA area (Valencia,Artesia,Aliso Viejo)

There is never been any skater BORN in the LA area, though some have TRAINED

Also, I figured out that I only need to use alt.fan.mopboy, when posting, so
that I can post to alt.fantasy.charlesnewman from AstraWeb, so I will just
put a.f.charlesnewman in the followups, so that more servers will carry it.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-24 21:57:10 UTC
The volcanic winter caused by the eruption of the Lombok supervolcano, in
Indonesia, in 1257, causing the Little Ice Age, is why I consider the idea
of man made global warming to be a bunch of HORSEHIT.

The ONLY reason the Earth has had increased warming in the past few decades,
is because the Earth has finally recovered from the volcanic winter caused
by the 1257 eruption of the Lombok supervolcano.

While the volcanic winter peaked in the 18th century, it took about 200 more
years for the Earth to competely recover from it. So the increase in warming
in the past few decades is NOT man made, although the enviromental CRYBABIES
will tell you otherwise.

Fritz Owl
2016-12-24 13:14:25 UTC
It should be noted that Campi Flegrei is one of three supervolcanoes in
Europe. The other two are the Lacher See in Germany, and the Santorini
supervolcano Greech. Santorini had its last major eruption about 3600 years
ago, and mega eruptions there usually occur about every 20,000 yerars, so no
mega eruption is expected there there, in the near future, but Lacher See,
as well as Campi Flegrei is due for an eruption. The last eruption at
Laacher See, about 12,900 years had an output of around 250km3 of eruptive
products, about the half of what the last major eruption at Campi Flegrei
had, and what one Yellowstone eruption, about 1.1 million years ago had.

North America actually has four supervolcanoes (VEI 7 or greater). Everyone
knows about Yellowstone, but there are also Crater Lake, Long Valley
Caldera, and the Valles Caldera, and there may be more we do not know about.