Throw the liberals out of Oregon
(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2017-01-01 17:06:45 UTC
Now the "cancer" of liberlism has spread to OREGON. It turns out that a new
law taking effect today in Oregon requires power comapnies to eventually
phase out coal fired power plants.

This will make electricity costs go UP on Oregon. The people of Oregon need
to RISE UP throw the LIBERAL *VERMIN* out of government in Oregon.

Of course, just a few counties in Oregon control politics for the entire
state. Looking at county by county electoral maps of Oregon, the counties
near Portland voted for Hillary while the rest of the state voted for Trump.

Oregon is another state where we to bring in more Southern coservatives in
to turn the state Republican gain. California and Oregon must THROW the
LIBERAL *VERMIN* running those states OUT OF OFFICE
Talis Mann
2017-01-01 19:15:04 UTC
Here's a tip for you, Cuckie: you don't live in Oregon. You have no
say about what happens in Oregon. NOBODY IN OREGON GIVES A FLYING
FUCK WHAT YOU SAY OR THINK, CUCKIE. You are a useless mentally ill
trolling shitstain, and nothing you say has any relevance at all to
people in Oregon, Cuckie. Got it, Cuckie?

You have continued to follow my demands, Cuckie.

I am demanding that you continue to post stupid falsified lying shit
and pretend that it's "news." I demand that you post phony "results"
with fake "countries." I demand that you constantly remain a mentally
ill troll. You must continue to shit your pants at every opportunity.

Nobody gives a flying fuck what you do or why you do it, and
nobody gives a flying fuck about your stupid delusional lies.

So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
