Another reason NOT to vote for Hillary
(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2016-05-26 15:01:20 UTC
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit



NO WAY!!!!


2016-05-26 15:26:27 UTC
And I say to HELL with the enviromental impacts of higher speed limits. If
the ROAD can HANDLE it, then the speed limit SHOULD be higher.

That is why I COMMEND states like Utah that told the enviromental WACKOS to
GO TO HELL, and raise the speed limit to 80 miles an hour in rural areas and
75 in urban areas, if the road can safely handle it. The same for Utah,
Wymong, and Nevada, which have also raised the limit 80 on rural interstate
highways. The governments of these states have told the enviromentalists to
GO TO HELL and raise the speed limits to whatever the road can handle.

Enviromentalists are the BANE of the economy of thsi country, and freedom as
well, and the sooner the government STAMPS THEM OUT, the BETTER OFF this
country will BE.
Matsu Take
2016-05-26 17:16:44 UTC
On 5/26/2016 8:26 AM, A sledgehammer needs to smash into Chuckie's head
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-26 22:31:17 UTC
Post by Chilly8
And I say to HELL with the enviromental impacts of higher speed limits.
Right. Who cares how many thousand more people die every year.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-05-26 17:15:19 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-26 22:30:40 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they

Why are you this stupid?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-05-26 22:55:30 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish. If
Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, and other states want to set their speed at 80, they
should be allowed to do so.

I like to drive around 70MPH, whenever possible. Even when the speed limit
is 65, everyone does 70. A lot of interstate freeways were MADE for higher
speeds, and they should be allowed.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 04:11:42 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 04:31:34 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
I say the federally mandated speed limit should NEVER be brought back. The
nationwide 55MPH limit should NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 04:38:01 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>

Respond to what I said.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 05:55:26 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Matsu Take
2016-05-27 05:59:11 UTC
I am being stupid, I am NOT being SENSIBLE.
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 06:21:00 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Why? Because you say so?

Narcissistic much?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 06:43:05 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
In article
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Why? Because you say so?
55MPH is too slow. The roads were designed for higher speeds, so they should
be allowed.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 07:20:59 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
In article
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Why? Because you say so?
55MPH is too slow. The roads were designed for higher speeds, so they should
be allowed.
I'm all for little traveled roads in flat states be as fast as they
want. But when the population gets denser, the death toll starts to

When we finally have fully autonomous cars, then they can go as fast as
the CPUs can control. But until then, we need to lower the amount of
carnage AND stop wasting non-renewable petroleum, which should not be
burned but saved for all the other uses it has. There's no substitute
for those uses, but we're getting closer and closer to not needing to
burn such a valuable resource.

Here's a story for you. I bought the novelization for "Alien" and found
out some very interesting things, scenes that were cut from the final
movie. One was telling us what cargo the Nostromo was
carrying--petroleum. Yep, they were important petroleum from light years
away because it was the only way to keep the economy alive. (Another cut
scene was Ripley and Lambert discussing Ash and discovering that he
hadn't slept with either of them, which was apparently unusual on those
long hauls.)

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 07:41:53 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
In article
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they wish.
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Why? Because you say so?
55MPH is too slow. The roads were designed for higher speeds, so they should
be allowed.
I'm all for little traveled roads in flat states be as fast as they
want. But when the population gets denser, the death toll starts to
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55. 65 in urban areas and 70 for rural highways
woks in California, and should STAY that way. To HELL with what the
environmentalists want. 65 and 70 MPH, where they have it, is just right now
California, and should NEVER CHANGE, to HELL with what the environmentalists

These enviromental MORONS want to bring the speed limit donw to 55 even in
rural areas like much of Nevada. The two 2-lane highways in Nevada that have
a 70 MPH speed limit, outside cities and towns, have it RIGHT. The road is
wide enough to handle that kind of speed, and the Feds should NOT be trying
to make Nevada lower it to 55 on those roads, which is EXACTLY what will
HAPPEN, if Hillary gets elected.

I have driven on US 50 and US 6 in Nevada, and 70MPH, outside of towns and
cities, is JUST RIGHT for that road. The environmental WACKOS would lower
the speed limt to 55 on those roads of they had their way. This must NEVER
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 11:06:42 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
In article
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast
Why are you this stupid?
The states should be allowed to set their speed limits as they
Not if they accept federal money to maintain their highways.
<snippage of yet another non-response>
Respond to what I said.
I am NOT being stupid, I am being SENSIBLE. The nationwide 55MPH limit must
NEVER be brought back, EVER.
Why? Because you say so?
55MPH is too slow. The roads were designed for higher speeds, so they should
be allowed.
I'm all for little traveled roads in flat states be as fast as they
want. But when the population gets denser, the death toll starts to
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 17:24:31 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 21:19:43 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?

The environment is only one small part of the reason. But we all know
you'd be perfectly happy that tens of thousands of people will die
unnecessarily as long as you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I posted you a long explanation about fossil fuels so why did you ignore

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 22:10:26 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?
The environment is only one small part of the reason.
Cars are more fuel efficient than they once were. A BETTER way to save fuel,
and maney, in California, anyway, is to ABOLISH the law that says California
gas has to have these so-called "non-polluting" blends, which make the cost
per gallon as much as $1 higher than some neighboring states, as well as rob
your car of gas mileage. I find that my car gets WAAAAYY more gas mileage on
Utah or Nevada gas, than California gas, becuase Nevada and California do
not have that BULLSHIT.

And that is even driving at Utah's 80MPH speed limit on I-80. I get better
mileage than driving at California's lower speed limits.

If we REALLY want to save gas, get RID of the requirements for these
anti-pollution additives. Car egines are more efficient WITHOUT them.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 23:14:17 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?
The environment is only one small part of the reason.
Cars are more fuel efficient than they once were. A BETTER way to save fuel,
and maney, in California, anyway, is to ABOLISH the law that says California
gas has to have these so-called "non-polluting" blends, which make the cost
per gallon as much as $1 higher than some neighboring states, as well as rob
your car of gas mileage. I find that my car gets WAAAAYY more gas mileage on
Utah or Nevada gas, than California gas, becuase Nevada and California do
not have that BULLSHIT.
Why do you want thousands of children to start dying of asthma again?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-27 23:39:35 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?
The environment is only one small part of the reason.
Cars are more fuel efficient than they once were. A BETTER way to save fuel,
and maney, in California, anyway, is to ABOLISH the law that says California
gas has to have these so-called "non-polluting" blends, which make the cost
per gallon as much as $1 higher than some neighboring states, as well as rob
your car of gas mileage. I find that my car gets WAAAAYY more gas mileage on
Utah or Nevada gas, than California gas, becuase Nevada and California do
not have that BULLSHIT.
Why do you want thousands of children to start dying of asthma again?
That is a load of HORSESHIT. Getting rid of these special non-polluting
additives will SAVE money and SAVE gas, because cars will use LESS of it,
EVEN at higher speeds.

Want to lower gas consumption. I saw do it the EASY wasy by getting rid of
these anti-pollution additivees AND abolish catalytic coverters, and you
will see overall gas consumption DROP becuase people will use LESS gasoline,
when combined with today's more efficient engines. It might be possible,
even on 8 cylinder engines, to get 40 or more miles per gallon, if catalytic
convers, and anti-pollution additives are abolished.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-28 00:29:31 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?
The environment is only one small part of the reason.
Cars are more fuel efficient than they once were. A BETTER way to save fuel,
and maney, in California, anyway, is to ABOLISH the law that says California
gas has to have these so-called "non-polluting" blends, which make the cost
per gallon as much as $1 higher than some neighboring states, as well as rob
your car of gas mileage. I find that my car gets WAAAAYY more gas mileage on
Utah or Nevada gas, than California gas, becuase Nevada and California do
not have that BULLSHIT.
Why do you want thousands of children to start dying of asthma again?
That is a load of HORSESHIT. Getting rid of these special non-polluting
additives will SAVE money and SAVE gas, because cars will use LESS of it,
EVEN at higher speeds.
When did I say anything about saving gas????

I said increasing pollution to former levels of lethality will start
killing thousands of people, including children. Why do you want those
thousands of people to start dying?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-05-28 01:30:54 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
When did I say anything about saving gas????
I said increasing pollution to former levels of lethality will start
killing thousands of people, including children. Why do you want those
thousands of people to start dying?
If calalytic converters and anti-pollution additives are abolished, there
will actually be LESS pollution, because engines will burn LESS gas, when
they get BETTER mileage.

These enviroments are so WHACKED OUT they do not realise this. I say to HELL
with global warming, another reason they are pushing to restore the 55MPH

That is why I LIKE Trump. He does not BELIEVE all this global warming
HORSESHIT. And neither do the other candidates that will have delegates at
the convention (Kaich, Rubio, Cruz).
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-28 03:35:42 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
When did I say anything about saving gas????
I said increasing pollution to former levels of lethality will start
killing thousands of people, including children. Why do you want those
thousands of people to start dying?
If calalytic converters and anti-pollution additives are abolished, there
will actually be LESS pollution, because engines will burn LESS gas, when
they get BETTER mileage.
Wow. Looks like you don't understand simple arithmetic.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-28 03:36:41 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
When did I say anything about saving gas????
I said increasing pollution to former levels of lethality will start
killing thousands of people, including children. Why do you want those
thousands of people to start dying?
If calalytic converters and anti-pollution additives are abolished, there
will actually be LESS pollution, because engines will burn LESS gas, when
they get BETTER mileage.
These enviroments are so WHACKED OUT they do not realise this. I say to HELL
with global warming, another reason they are pushing to restore the 55MPH
That is why I LIKE Trump. He does not BELIEVE all this global warming
HORSESHIT. And neither do the other candidates that will have delegates at
the convention (Kaich, Rubio, Cruz).
And all of you want millions of people to die as the climate damage gets
wrose and worse.

Why do you want those millions of people to die unnecessarily?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-05-28 07:35:56 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
And all of you want millions of people to die as the climate damage gets
wrose and worse.
Man made climate change is a load of HORSEHIT. Climate change is natural,
NOT man made.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-28 09:32:13 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
And all of you want millions of people to die as the climate damage gets
wrose and worse.
Man made climate change is a load of HORSEHIT. Climate change is natural,
NOT man made.
Let's see your peer-reviewed scientific paper proving that. Because
there are thousands full of evidence proving that anthropogenic climate
change is as real as real gets.

Don't waste your time contradicting me without providing those citations
to those papers supporting your views.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-05-28 17:00:38 UTC
Chuckie is so stupid he can't even spell HORSEHIT.
Your fucking stupid head is filled with HORSESHIT, Chuckie.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-05-29 09:49:58 UTC
One thing I like about Trump is that when he gets elected, water priorities
will change. FARMERS will take priority over enviromental interests in
California. He intends to let farmers have all the water they need for their
crops, to HELL with some endangered smelt, and to HELL with wetlands. Trump
has MY vote on that one.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-29 11:19:21 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
One thing I like about Trump is that when he gets elected, water priorities
will change.
How will that happen? What kind of power does the President have over
state laws?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-29 11:20:03 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
One thing I like about Trump is that when he gets elected, water priorities
will change. FARMERS will take priority over enviromental interests in
California. He intends to let farmers have all the water they need for their
crops, to HELL with some endangered smelt, and to HELL with wetlands. Trump
has MY vote on that one.
And when the Pacific Ocean invades the Delta and the farmland is all
poisoned by the salt and cannot be farmed any longer, then what?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-05-30 03:43:53 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-05-31 11:10:58 UTC
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
Trump will SILENCE these enviromental WACKOS who are not meddling in the
affairs of Mexico.

Mexico has, since the turn of the century, been modernising and upgrading
their highway network in a major way, building freeways that are much safer
than the older roads, but these environmental ASSHOLES, from the United
States ae raising hell about it. Environmentalists from AMERICA have pretty
much mangaged to SHUT DOWN one major superhighway project between San Luis
and Guaymas in Sonora, which would have allowed more effcicient road travel
into central Mexico, which would cut at least a day off the trip, coming
from the western USA.

But, no, these ENVIRONMENTAL CRYBABIES, from AMERICA, raised a lot of hell
and stop the project. What was to be Mexico 11D, a toll road that would make
travel more efficient.

These enviromnentalists have NO BUSINESS meddling in the AFFAIRS or OTHER
COUNTRIES. If Trump gets in, he will put a STOP to that, and RIGHT NOW.
Mexico NEEDS to BUILD these modern and safer highways, to HELL with the
environmental impacts. We need to get Trump in the White House in 2016, and
then get a conservative from the PAN elected in 2018 in Mexico, so they can
combine forces and SILENCE these environmetal LOONIES.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-31 23:30:16 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.

No wonder you love Trump so much.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-01 02:27:22 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018, these other MUCH NEEDED roadways in Mexico
will GET built, because BOTH of them will tell the these environmental

I believe that the superhighway that would be know as the Costera, between
San Luis and Guaymas, in Mexico, NEEDS to be built, along with covering ALL
of US 95, in the USA, and BC95/AB95, in Canada into superhigghway, to HELL
with the environmental impacts. To HELL with endangered species and to HELL
with wetlands. Trump in the Whjite House, plus a conservative president,
from the PAN party, getting elected in 2018, is what America and Mexico BOTH
need. BOTH countries NEED presidents that will TELL these environmental

When environmental groups from AMERICA, start raisng hell about a highway
project in MEXICO, that is PROOF that these environmental groups need to be

At the very least, Mexico needs to BAN anyone, and I mean ANYONE, from these
groups, from Mexican territory. The Mexican government needs CLOSE DOWN any
offices these groups have in the country. In short, Mexico needs to SHUT

If Stehpen Harper had remained Prime Minsister of Canada, he would have done
JUST THAT. Despite the problems with one law known as C-51, Harper was going
to put that law to GOOD USE and KICK the environmetal groups OUT of Canada.

Hopefully, the next Canadian electipon will see the Tories back in power
again, and they WILL start BANNING these groups from Canada.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-01 02:43:26 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-01 03:13:10 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-01 03:33:40 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-01 04:33:43 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?
Trump will NOT destroy America, and neither will a PAN-party president
destroy Mexico if elected in 2018.

America and Mexico BOTH need presidents will tell the environmentalists to

I see Mexico needs to tell the environmentalist gringos to GO TO HELL and
BUILD Costera highway. It is NEEDED, and Mexico needs to tell the
environmentalists to GO TO HELL and BUILD it.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-01 10:25:54 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?
Trump will NOT destroy America,
Yes, he will.

He's already damaged the country around the world; they're losing
respect for a country where such an ignorant and narcissistic man could
become the nominee of one of the 2 major parties.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-01 10:46:19 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?
Trump will NOT destroy America,
Yes, he will.
He's already damaged the country around the world; they're losing
respect for a country where such an ignorant and narcissistic man could
become the nominee of one of the 2 major parties.
Trump is NOT narcissistic
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-01 12:45:06 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?
Trump will NOT destroy America,
Yes, he will.
He's already damaged the country around the world; they're losing
respect for a country where such an ignorant and narcissistic man could
become the nominee of one of the 2 major parties.
Trump is NOT narcissistic
In the dictionary next to the definition of narcissist is a picture of

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-11 05:08:17 UTC
Trump is CERTAINLY narcissistic
Fixed again, asshole troll.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-11 05:07:37 UTC
Trump will VERY MUCH destroy America
Fixed it for you, trolling asshole.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-06-12 12:42:32 UTC
Trump will CERTAINLY destroy America
Fixed it for you, trolling fuckhead.
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.
He will NOT destroy America.

And here is what I REALLY posted

From: "Fritz Owl" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.skate.figure,alt.fantasy.charlesnewman
References: <57470fca$0$51570$b1db1813$***@news.astraweb.com>
In-Reply-To: <hlwdjsd2-***@news.giganews.com>
Subject: Re: Another reason NOT to vote for Hillary
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 21:33:43 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6001.18000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.0.6001.18000
Lines: 53
Message-ID: <574e65ad$0$62779$c3e8da3$***@news.astraweb.com>
Organization: Unlimited download news at news.astraweb.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: 8479a498.news.astraweb.com
Xref: aioe.org alt.skate.figure:11348 alt.fantasy.charlesnewman:3090
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp presidency might, in the long long, end up being GOOD for Mexico.
You'll just say anything no matter how stupid, won't you.
No wonder you love Trump so much.
Ah, but if Trump gets in this year, and a consevative from the PAN party
gets elected in Mexico in 2018,
And if pigs could fly, we'd have to walk around with our umbrellas
unfurled every time we were outside.
Trump WILL likely get elected, and he is what America NEEDS.
America needs to be destroyed???? Seriously? Why?
Trump will NOT destroy America, and neither will a PAN-party president
destroy Mexico if elected in 2018.

America and Mexico BOTH need presidents will tell the environmentalists to

I see Mexico needs to tell the environmentalist gringos to GO TO HELL and
BUILD Costera highway. It is NEEDED, and Mexico needs to tell the
environmentalists to GO TO HELL and BUILD it.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-12 13:27:24 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump will CERTAINLY destroy America
Fixed it for you, trolling fuckhead.
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.
He will NOT destroy America.
And here is what I REALLY posted
Nobody gave a shit the 1st time you posted it; why do you think that
will have changed?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-13 20:39:11 UTC
Trump will CERTAINLY destroy America
Fixed it for you, trolling fuckhead.
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.
He WILL destroy America.
And NOBODY gives a FLYING FUCK what I EVER posted

*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 05:19:16 UTC
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler prophecised on one "Future History" forum.
While it is possible that this "Ortivice" could come to power someday, Trump
is NOT that person.

We will have to see who his VP will be. It is possible that something might
happen to Trump and his VP becomes this "Ortivice". Thats a possibility

This one prophecy does predict an "American Hitler" to come to power, and
the the unthinkable, the world having to go to war against an America gone

The result of this being a three-way cold war, with a "Ljublana Pact",
"Moscow Pact", and a "Beijing Pact".
A "Unitist" China (Communists overthrown), becomes the world's main
superpower, even most Olympic sports, but NOT in skating, however. China is
ONLY won OLYMPIC medals in figure skating on ONE occasion, in 2010, when
China went 1-2 in the pairs skating. That is the ONLY time China has EVER
won any Olympic medals in skating.

Unitism is pretty mich like Mao's China, Castro's Cuba, Stalin's Russia, or
Kim's North Korea, but without the Commuism. A totatitarian state, but with
unbridled capitalism.

Among the countries that are predicted to end up in the "Beijing Pact" is a
"Unified Republic Of America", consisting of present-day California, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, and Baja California (Mexico gets Texas and New Mexico in
exchange for the URA getting the Bajas).

The URA would NEVER be a power in skating, because there has NEVER been a
champion skater born in California, Nevada, Utah, or Arizona, though there
are are two US ladies national champs (Flatt, Czisny), who were born in Baja
California. There have been skaters that have TRAINED in California, but
NONE of them were BORN there.

Among all the nations that result from America being broken up aftter the
WWIII that is prophecised, I see the Rpublic Of Florida having Michelle Kwan
or Tiffany Chin running their skating program (they were both born in Miami)

The "Antebellum" South (Lousiana, Missisaippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas,
Tenesseee, North Carolina, South Carolina), as a new CSA, would NEVER do
well in skating, becuase there has NEVER been ANY skaters of ANY ilk from
those states, thoiugh our detractors might say otherwise.

As for the US states that are predicted to become Canadian provinces
(Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Winsconsin, Michigan) after this war,
NONE of them have EVER had champion skaters. NO skater if ANY ill EVER came
from ANY of those states.
Matsu Take
2016-06-14 06:35:49 UTC
He IS the American Hitler

*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-14 06:55:28 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler
No, he is not.

What he is is the American Mussolini.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 07:15:50 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler
No, he is not.
What he is is the American Mussolini.
Not even that. He is NOT the type that is going to go an invade America's
neighbors liket this "Ortivice". Remember that Mussolini also invaded some
of his European and African neighbors, most notably Albania and Ethiopia.

Had Mussolini had more time, he could have had an army as strong as Nazi
Germany. Mussolini had originally planned to total war to begin in 1942, not
in 1939. Mussolini wanted to recreate the Roman Empire. Trump is NOT the
kind that will want to invade America's neighbors and create a Reich of some

However, what we do need to pay attention to is whoever becomes his VP. It
is HE that could be the "Ortivice" that one Future History forum once
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-14 11:37:09 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler
No, he is not.
What he is is the American Mussolini.
Not even that. He is NOT the type that is going to go an invade America's
neighbors liket this "Ortivice".
Who said anything about invading America's neighbors?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 12:35:31 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler
No, he is not.
What he is is the American Mussolini.
Not even that. He is NOT the type that is going to go an invade America's
neighbors liket this "Ortivice".
Who said anything about invading America's neighbors?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Trump is NO Hitler and NO Mussolini
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-15 00:44:48 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Trump is NOT destroying America
You need to read what other countries, including our closest allies, are
saying about him. They're losing all respect for this country and that
WILL destroy America.
Why are you such a fucking moron?
He is NOT the American Hitler
No, he is not.
What he is is the American Mussolini.
Not even that. He is NOT the type that is going to go an invade America's
neighbors liket this "Ortivice".
Who said anything about invading America's neighbors?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Trump is NO Hitler and NO Mussolini
You're completely and stupidly wrong.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-16 21:24:05 UTC
Trump IS Hitler and IS Mussolini
Shut the fuck up, you trolling piece of shit.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Fritz Owl
2016-06-20 21:17:14 UTC
I can assure you he is NOT the "Ortivice" mentioned in one prophecy, the
who is an American Hitler to the point where the world has to go to war
an America gone mad. He is NOT the type that is going to invade and take
over America's neighbors.
So fucking what? Why is invading other countries your definition of
There is one Future History forum I have mentioned where a dicator they only
call "Ortivice" becomes President, and turns America into a dictatorship
which is a combination of Nazism and extreme religious purism and starts a
third world war, and the world has to go to war against an America gone mad.

Trump is NOT that person. However, we will have to watch his vice
presidential picks. Could THAT person be the American version Hitler

This coming world war will not to nuclear, despite some of the countries
involved having nukes, but it will result in America being broken up into
several differnet countries,and an eventual 4 way cold war.
Matsu Take
2016-06-20 22:49:52 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
There is one Future History
Take your fantasy "future history" stupidity and cram it up your
shit-encrusted ass, you trolling piece of shit.

Shut the fuck up, you trolling piece of shit.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-21 01:06:18 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I can assure you he is NOT the "Ortivice" mentioned in one prophecy, the
who is an American Hitler to the point where the world has to go to war
an America gone mad. He is NOT the type that is going to invade and take
over America's neighbors.
So fucking what? Why is invading other countries your definition of
There is one Future History forum

Answer the question you were asked.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-16 05:20:03 UTC
Shut the fuck up, you trolling dumbfuck.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 05:18:37 UTC
That is a load of HORSESHIT, like that psychology today article
What is a 'load of HORSESHIT"?
That other Slate article he was quoting, and I saw on my phone with Google
Groups. Another thing I don't like about Google Groups is that it will not
let you quite an article, on top of the fact, that it lops off
a.f.charlesnewman from the Newsgroups line.

I don't see it on my PC, since I have my Usenet proxy set to block out
anything he posts from my network. That is another reason you need Windows,
so you can use a freeware proxy called NewsProxy. All you need is to have it
on a machine between you, and the Internet, and you can filter out anything
you want, before it even reaches your hard disk, as filtered articles are
deleted from the feed as they are being downloaded.

My public VPN and proxy service has that capability, as it is designed to
allow people to get past school or work filtering that, in my opinion, goes
too far, but keeps that bad stuff, like porn out. Anyone trying, for
example, to get anything on the alt.sex hiearchy, through my Usenet proxy,
will get zero articles in their newsreader, as it drops ANYTHING with
alt.sex, anywhere, in the newsgroups line, before it even reaches a uiser's
hard disk.

My proxies block the following cateegories of content that WOULD be
inappropriate for ANY school or workplace. My proxy is CIPA-compliant as
well, making it safe for stuents to bypass filters at school, but still
keeping porn OUT of the school's network

Dating Sites
Hate Speech
Web Advertisements

Anime is blocked, becuase some Anime, though legal in the USA, does violat
the porn laws of other countries, particularly Canada.

Mine is designed to get past overzellus filtering, but still keep material
that is DEFINITELY inappropriate OUT.

Of course, they want to make sites liek that illegal, A few newspaper
publishers want to outlaw ANY tools that COULD be used to block ads, and
that includes web filtering. Becuase porn filters CAN be used to block web
ads, they could become illegal.

The Newspaper industry is pushing for that becuase of am "arms race" as they
block ad-blockers, people come up with ways to avoid detection. Router-based
filtering can do this, and not be detected by most ad-block detectors.

My proxy blocks ads to protect anyone who connects from any office network,
from downloading any malware that might damage the network. Blocking ads
blocks a lot of the malware that does so.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-14 06:55:00 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
That is a load of HORSESHIT, like that psychology today article
What is a 'load of HORSESHIT"?
That other Slate article he was quoting,
What "other Slate article" are you talking about?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-16 21:44:28 UTC
Shut the fuck up, you trolling piece of shit.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Matsu Take
2016-06-10 08:06:32 UTC
Trump WILL NOT likely get elected, and Chuckie's death is what America NEEDS.
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-10 08:05:41 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-06-10 06:43:53 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
A Trunp
Drop fucking dead, you sub-literate troll.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-05-28 16:59:22 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-05-28 17:02:04 UTC
Everything Chuckie posts is a load of HORSESHIT.
And that's the corrected truth.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Jeanne Douglas
2016-05-27 23:15:22 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
I think 65 is just right for most California highways, and the Feds should
NOT force them to lower to 55.
You're wrong.
I LIKE the 65 MPH limit they have on most California highwayas now, and I
say it should STAY that way. To HELL with what these environmental
What the fuck are you talking about?
The environment is only one small part of the reason.
Cars are more fuel efficient than they once were. A BETTER way to save fuel,
and maney, in California, anyway, is to ABOLISH the law that says California
gas has to have these so-called "non-polluting" blends, which make the cost
per gallon as much as $1 higher than some neighboring states, as well as rob
your car of gas mileage. I find that my car gets WAAAAYY more gas mileage on
Utah or Nevada gas, than California gas, becuase Nevada and California do
not have that BULLSHIT.
And that is even driving at Utah's 80MPH speed limit on I-80. I get better
mileage than driving at California's lower speed limits.
If we REALLY want to save gas, get RID of the requirements for these
anti-pollution additives. Car egines are more efficient WITHOUT them.
So fucking what?

People's lungs are far more efficient without pollution.

Which is more important--the lives of children and other people or your
selfish desires?

Do not deflect again. Answer this question.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-05-28 16:58:04 UTC
You're a braindead dumbfuck, Chuckie.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-05-28 05:12:36 UTC
Nobody gives a shit, you braindead imbecile.

Shut the fuck up, troll.

Matsu Take
2016-05-28 05:09:16 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I think
You fail.

Shut the fuck up, troll.

Matsu Take
2016-05-28 05:08:09 UTC
Shut the fuck up, troll.

Matsu Take
2016-05-27 05:57:04 UTC
I say
Nobody gives a fuck, you trolling imbecile.

Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-05-27 05:54:05 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Why are you this stupid?
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Matsu Take
2016-05-27 05:56:20 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying trolling psychopathic moronic asshole.

Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 16:38:06 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
If Congress imposes the 55MPH limit again, states will find slick ways
around that. Long ago, before Congress repealed the 55MPH limit, California
was going to get around that by turning some freeways into toll roads, and
letting private companies operate it. This was back in the 1990s when
California had Republican governors, who were in favor that.

The roads would have been contracted out to private companies, like the
"Autopistas" in Mexico are. With the roads operated, by private companiues,
under contract, this would have allowed the states to circumventt the 55MPH
limit. The plans were, at the time, for speed limits on these coporate run
roads, to be increased to as much as 80MPH, and none of this lower speed
limits for trucks bullshit, either, and a whole bunch of new toll roads were

However, the environmental CRYBABIES raised hell about it, and this never
happened. They hollered about both increased pollution, for faster speed,
and endangered species, for improving the roadways to handle 80MPH speeds.

The state would have have a cut of the tolls, which would have been GOOD for
state coffers. The state NEEDED the money they tolls would have brought,
biut the environmental ASSHOLES put the kyboush on that one.

Voters in California need to THROW these environmetallists OUT OF OFFICE.
They are the BANE of the eccomomy. That is what I like abuot states like
Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. These states have told the enviromentalists to GO
TO HELL, in havine a 75MPH limit in Arizona, and a 80MPH limit in Nevada and

One of my aunts moved out of California, because she HATES the liberals that
are RUINIING California. My fathers family are all Midwest conservatives,
where environmentalism is a DIRTY WORD. Our family does not BELIEVE all this
BULLSHIT about global warming. We ALL believe in God, and that there is a
heaven, and a hell.

We believe in the right to keep and bear arms, and we think that Hillary
will America, if she is elected.

I am the way I am, because I spent my formative years around older
conservative types in my fathers family. Because my father was 47 when I was
born, I spent my formative years aroiund old-time conservative friends and
family of my father, and picked up their values, unlike a lot of my
contemporaries, with much younger parents, who would have been about half my
fathers age, at the time I was born.

I was raised conservative values from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, before the
liberals started to RUIN America.
Fritz Owl
2016-06-14 16:57:48 UTC
Another NEEDED freeway completion that the environmentalists are holding up
in LA, is exending the 710 north to connect to the 210 in Pasadena. It sat
it is time the government got some BALLS and told these envoronmental WACOS
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-15 00:44:24 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Another NEEDED freeway completion that the environmentalists are holding up
in LA, is exending the 710 north to connect to the 210 in Pasadena. It sat
it is time the government got some BALLS and told these envoronmental WACOS
You do know, don't you, that environmentalists have absolutely nothing
to do with the incompletion of that freeway????

You do know, don't you, that it was the people who live in all the homes
that would be destroyed that have halted that construction? And, because
they are not poor minorities, they have the power to save their homes?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-16 05:22:24 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Spelling much, dumbfuck?

Shut the fuck up, you trolling piece of shit.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-15 00:41:13 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Hillary wants to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah, he'll destroy the world but let everybody drive as fast as they
If Congress imposes the 55MPH limit again
Why do you think anybody gives a shit for your idiotic rants?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-06-15 00:42:25 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
I was raised conservative values from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, before the
liberals started to RUIN America.
You mean the America in which minorities and women had no rights?

Seriously? You want to take away people's hard-won rights?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Matsu Take
2016-06-16 05:21:42 UTC
Shut the fuck up, you trolling piece of shit.


*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
Fritz Owl
2016-09-14 23:00:02 UTC
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle

Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-15 00:28:17 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-09-15 00:54:52 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?
Michelle, while liberal, would not be as bad as Hillary or Bernie. I am
surprised she did not go for the nomination. She would have had a FAR better
chance of winning than Hillary or Bernie.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-15 02:16:06 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?
Michelle, while liberal, would not be as bad as Hillary or Bernie. I am
surprised she did not go for the nomination. She would have had a FAR better
chance of winning than Hillary or Bernie.
When has she EVER expressed any wish to be a politician?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-09-15 05:11:05 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?
Michelle, while liberal, would not be as bad as Hillary or Bernie. I am
surprised she did not go for the nomination. She would have had a FAR better
chance of winning than Hillary or Bernie.
When has she EVER expressed any wish to be a politician?
According to the Alex Jones blog entry I cited, the Dems want to try to get
her to run, if Hillary becomes unable to run for President. And she does
have a better chance. She is far more moderate the Bernie, or Hillary, or
Joe Biden.

The Democrats should have tried to get her to run for President, if they
wanted to win. There is NO WAY that Clinton, Biden, or Sanders would EVER
beat Donald Trump. Michelle Obama could beat not, but neither Hillary
Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or Joe Biden would EVER beat Trump.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-15 09:20:48 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?
Michelle, while liberal, would not be as bad as Hillary or Bernie. I am
surprised she did not go for the nomination. She would have had a FAR better
chance of winning than Hillary or Bernie.
When has she EVER expressed any wish to be a politician?
According to the Alex Jones blog entry I cited,
Do you have a reputable source for this idiotic rumo? Because Alex Jones
believes that none of those butchered children at Sandy Hook even
existed and that all those parents have been lying about their grief.
Anyone that disgustingly vile cannot be trusted on anything.

So try again.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-15 09:22:24 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Now it appears that the Dems might replace Hillary Clintoin with Michelle
Why do you believe every single piece of idiotic nonsense you encounter?
Michelle, while liberal, would not be as bad as Hillary or Bernie. I am
surprised she did not go for the nomination. She would have had a FAR better
chance of winning than Hillary or Bernie.
When has she EVER expressed any wish to be a politician?
According to the Alex Jones blog entry I cited, the Dems want to try to get
her to run, if Hillary becomes unable to run for President.
Why would she be unable to run for President?
Post by Fritz Owl
And she does
have a better chance. She is far more moderate the Bernie, or Hillary, or
Joe Biden.
How do you know what Michelle Obama's politics are? I sure don't and
she's one of my heroes.
Post by Fritz Owl
The Democrats should have tried to get her to run for President, if they
wanted to win. There is NO WAY that Clinton, Biden, or Sanders would EVER
beat Donald Trump. Michelle Obama could beat not, but neither Hillary
Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or Joe Biden would EVER beat Trump.
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-09-15 10:05:47 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-15 13:23:11 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.

Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Fritz Owl
2016-09-15 17:47:55 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-16 00:23:27 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.

Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.

Try again.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
2016-09-16 05:39:15 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.
Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.
Try again.
It is an intenational WAR CRIME to commit a first strike. No president in
his RIGHT MIND is going to do that. That one provision making it a war crime
has helped prevent nunclear war from starting. Otherwise Israel would have
nuked tihe entire mideast.

Without that, the Red Dawn scenario of the 1984 movie might have happened,
the USSR plan of a limited strike followed by invasion would very likely
have happened.

I do like Trumps plan to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes across the
board, and it CAN be done by SHUTTING DOWN a lot of MONEY WASTING government

If the Libertarians were to ever take power, that WOULD happen. The
Libertarians would shut down ALL of THESE government agenies

Department of Education
Department of Envegy
Enviromentaal Protection Agency
Homeland Security
Intternal Revenue Serive (No more federal taxes, though state taxes would
still remain)

And a lot of smaller programs, which Cruz would have abolished had he become

Corporation For Public Broadcasting (PBS)
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
National Endowment For The Arts
Regulation of CO2 Emissions from Power Plants and all Sources
UN Population Fund
Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund
Global Methane Intiative

I ESPECIALLY like the idea of government funding ending for PBS. Let PBS go
back to being National Educational Teleivsion, and being a for-pay service
again. Of course, PBS stations would have to get an exception for being able
to broadcast in analog, so the could use the SSAVI signal scrambling system.

I say get rid of government funding for PBS and let it become a for-pay over
the air service. PBS stations could scramble the siginal, and charge a
monthly fee to watch it. Just let PBS stations go back to broadcasting in
analog, then PBS could then start charging a subscription and issuing SSAVI
descramblers to subscribers.

I say repeal the law that reserves part of the radio and TV spectrum for non
commercial use.Allow the 88-92 band to be sold to commerical interests, as
well as get rid of the requirement that certain TV channels in certain
cities be non-commercial only. 87.5 through 91.9 is currently reserved for
non commerical broadcasting only. I say repeal that law, and let stations in
that part of the band go commercial and be sold to commercial interests.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-16 05:48:25 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.
Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.
Try again.
It is an intenational WAR CRIME to commit a first strike. No president in
his RIGHT MIND is going to do that.
Thank you for proving that Trump would commit a first strike.

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-16 05:49:23 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.
Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.
Try again.
It is an intenational WAR CRIME to commit a first strike. No president in
his RIGHT MIND is going to do that. That one provision making it a war crime
has helped prevent nunclear war from starting. Otherwise Israel would have
nuked tihe entire mideast.
Why would Israel have committed national suicide? Have you forgotten
that Pakistan has nukes?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-16 05:50:18 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.
Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.
Try again.
It is an intenational WAR CRIME to commit a first strike. No president in
his RIGHT MIND is going to do that. That one provision making it a war crime
has helped prevent nunclear war from starting. Otherwise Israel would have
nuked tihe entire mideast.
Without that, the Red Dawn scenario of the 1984 movie might have happened,
the USSR plan of a limited strike followed by invasion would very likely
have happened.
I do like Trumps plan to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes across the
board, and it CAN be done by SHUTTING DOWN a lot of MONEY WASTING government
You mean the way Bush's tax cuts destroyed the economy? You mean how
Reagan's tax cuts caused so much damage to the economy that he was
forced to increase taxes multiple times?

Why are you such a fucking moron?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-09-16 05:51:13 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Fritz Owl
Post by Jeanne Douglas
No sane person will vote for Donald Trump and there aren't enough crazy
racists in this country to make up for all the sane Americans.
That depends on WHO runs against him. If Bernie Sanders should replace
Hillary on the ticket, that will hand the election to Trump on a SILVER
No, it will not. Enough people in this country know that Trump is truly
a fascist who has gotten into bed with some of the worst white
supremacist groups in this country.
Why do you want as President a man who asked 3 times in a briefing why
we couldn't use our nuclear weapons if we had them? If he doesn't know
the answer to that, that's proof that he cannot be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office.
He is one of those, most likely, that will only use nukes, if someone else
uses them on America first. "First use" of nuclear weapons is s war crime
that can be tried in the international criminal court. That is why NO
American president is going to use nukes, unless someone else uses them
Why didn't you answer my question? Try again.
Trump is OBVIOUSLY talking about 1st strike, among so many other war
crimes he proposes, so your non-response is moronic.
Try again.
It is an intenational WAR CRIME to commit a first strike. No president in
his RIGHT MIND is going to do that. That one provision making it a war crime
has helped prevent nunclear war from starting. Otherwise Israel would have
nuked tihe entire mideast.
Without that, the Red Dawn scenario of the 1984 movie might have happened,
the USSR plan of a limited strike followed by invasion would very likely
have happened.
I do like Trumps plan to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes across the
board, and it CAN be done by SHUTTING DOWN a lot of MONEY WASTING government
If the Libertarians were to ever take power, that WOULD happen. The
Libertarians would shut down ALL of THESE government agenies
Department of Education
Department of Envegy
Enviromentaal Protection Agency
Homeland Security
Intternal Revenue Serive (No more federal taxes, though state taxes would
still remain)
And a lot of smaller programs, which Cruz would have abolished had he become
Corporation For Public Broadcasting (PBS)
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
National Endowment For The Arts
Regulation of CO2 Emissions from Power Plants and all Sources
UN Population Fund
Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund
Global Methane Intiative
I ESPECIALLY like the idea of government funding ending for PBS. Let PBS go
back to being National Educational Teleivsion, and being a for-pay service
again. Of course, PBS stations would have to get an exception for being able
to broadcast in analog, so the could use the SSAVI signal scrambling system.
I say get rid of government funding for PBS and let it become a for-pay over
the air service. PBS stations could scramble the siginal, and charge a
monthly fee to watch it. Just let PBS stations go back to broadcasting in
Why would it broadcast in a format that can't be played on any tv
manufactured for years?

Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a God superior to themselves. Most
Gods have the manners and morals of a
spoiled child.
Tzatz Ziki
2016-09-16 06:14:12 UTC
Shut the fuck up, lying drooling mentally ill trolling psychopathic




*Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People*
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, Psychopathic, and Sadistic.
By Chris Mooney
February 14, 2014

In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some
strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and
inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls
(who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences,
leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of
scientific topics.

That's bad, but it's nothing compared with what a new psychology paper
has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves
The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba
and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who
engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in
the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate
and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in
the suffering of others).

It is hard to overplay the results: The study found correlations,
sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior.
What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits
(except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent,
per day, commenting on the Internet.

In the study, trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by
simply asking survey participants what they "enjoyed doing most" when on
online comment sites, offering five options: "debating issues that are
important to you," "chatting with others," "making new friends,"
"trolling others," and "other." Here's how different responses about
these Internet commenting preferences matched up with responses to
questions designed to identify Dark Tetrad traits: 2

To be sure, only 5.6 percent of survey respondents actually specified
that they enjoyed "trolling." By contrast, 41.3 percent of Internet
users were "non-commenters," meaning they didn't like engaging online at
all. So trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online
commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users.

The researchers conducted multiple studies, using samples from Amazon's
Mechanical Turk but also of college students, to try to understand why
the act of trolling seems to attract this type of personality. They even
constructed their own survey instrument, which they dubbed the Global
Assessment of Internet Trolling, or GAIT, containing the following items:

* I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.

* I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of

* I enjoy griefing
[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=griefing] other players
in multiplayer games.

* The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it
is to corrupt.

Yes, some people actually say they agree with such statements. And
again, doing so was correlated with sadism in its various forms, with
psychopathy, and with Machiavellianism. Overall, the authors found that
the relationship between sadism and trolling was the strongest, and that
indeed, sadists appear to troll because they find it pleasurable. "Both
trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others," they
wrote. "Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their
playground!" 3

The study comes as websites, particularly at major media outlets, are
increasingly weighing steps to rein in trollish behavior. Last year
Popular Science did away with its comments sections completely, citing
research on the deleterious effects of trolling, and YouTube also took
measures to rein in trolling.

But study author Buckels actually isn't sure that fix is a realistic
one. "Because the behaviors are intrinsically motivating for sadists,
comment moderators will likely have a difficult time curbing trolling
with punishments (e.g., banning users)," she said by email. "Ultimately,
the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably
have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a
socially-desirable manner"
