Happy 36th birthday Yuko
(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2016-12-30 03:29:56 UTC
We wish a happy 36th birthday to pairs skater Yuko Kawagichi. She turns 36,
today, December 30. She was born December 30, 1980.
Jeanne Douglas
2016-12-30 05:59:33 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
We wish a happy 36th birthday to pairs skater Yuko Kawagichi. She turns 36,
today, December 30. She was born December 30, 1980.
And once again, Chuckie thinks he can get away with lying about real
people's lives.

Yuko Kavaguti was born November 20, 1981. In Funabashi, Chiba
Prefecture, Japan.

"May your winter feast be an orgy of delight"
-- The Big Furry, Late Show with Stephen
Talis Mann
2016-12-30 06:33:00 UTC
We wish a that Cuckie would quit shitting his pants, but he is
a mentally ill troll.
So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-30 23:51:22 UTC
[newsgroups and subject line are reset]

"Talis Mann" <story-***@told.me> wrote in message news:o44v03$csa$***@dont-email.me...

[bullshit erased]
Talis Mann
2016-12-30 23:54:30 UTC
[Cuckie shits pants and confirms mental illness]
[Cuckie shits pants again and eats it]
You have continued to follow my demands, Cuckie.

I am demanding that you continue to post stupid falsified junk
and pretend that it's "news." I demand that you post phony "results"
with fake "countries." I demand that you constantly remain a mentally
ill troll. You must continue to shit your pants at every opportunity.

So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.

Talis Mann
2016-12-30 23:09:22 UTC
Post by Fritz Owl
We wish
You have continued to follow my demands, Cuckie.

I am demanding that you continue to post stupid falsified junk
and pretend that it's "news." I demand that you post phony "results"
with fake "countries." I demand that you constantly remain a mentally
ill troll. You must continue to shit your pants at every opportunity.