Good Job Indiana
(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2016-12-29 16:01:11 UTC
It turns out that Indiana is about to make ALL abortions illegal. The
legislators who are introducing the bill next month are to be APPLAUDED for
STANDING for HUMAN RIGHITS by making abortion ILLEGAL.

Abortion and ALL birth control MUST be OUTLAWED for the future of the human


Talis Mann
2016-12-29 19:01:07 UTC
It turns out that Cuckie is going to shit in ALL of his pants. The
troll who is shitting his pants is MENTALLY ILL
So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-29 21:53:22 UTC
The REAL stuff, restored

It turns out that Indiana is about to make ALL abortions illegal. The
legislators who are introducing the bill next month are to be APPLAUDED for
STANDING for HUMAN RIGHITS by making abortion ILLEGAL.

Abortion and ALL birth control MUST be OUTLAWED for the future of the human


Talis Mann
2016-12-29 22:44:24 UTC
The LYING STUPID crap, Cuckie shits his pants
It turns out that Cuckie is about to make ALL of his pants stained with shit.
Cuckie continues to be MENTALLY ILL and has a thing for
TROLLING while FILLING HIS PANTS by making endless amounts of SHIT.
Cuckie's mental illness and trolling MUST be OUTLAWED for the future sanity.
See how much better it looks when it's fixed, Cuckie?

So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
