Cedar Fair Winterfest
(too old to reply)
Fritz Owl
2016-12-25 21:26:16 UTC
Cedar Fair parks are bringing their Winterfest holiday celebrations to more
of their parks next Christmas season.

That fact that Winterfest includes an outdoor ice skating rink will bring
figure skating to more of the masses, since some of the parks having
Winterfest for the first time have NO ice rinks

Winterfest comes to Worlds Of Fun in Kansas City for the first time next
season, and that will bring ice skating to many in Kansas City for the first
time. The Kansas City metro area has ZERO ice rinks.

There is NEVER been a champion figure skater ANYWHERE in either Kansas or

The fact that Winterfest will also be coming to Knotts next season will
bring figure skating to more people in Orange County. There is only ONE rink
in the ENTIRE county, that being in Alisjo Viejo. It is only of only THREE
rinks in the LA area, the others being in Artesia and Aliso Viejo.

The Carowinds park, on the NC/SC state line will also be getting Winterfest
in 2017. For residents of either state, that will be the FIRST exposure to
skating for many, as the Caroliinas (and the Antebellum South in general)
are NOT exactly a having for ice skating. There are ZERO rinks in North
Carolina and South Carolina, and there has NEVER been ANY champion skater
from either state.

The same for Kings Island in Ohio. Ohioans are more into American sports
like football, baseball, or basketball. Ohio is NOT a place you would
normally associate with figure skating. There has NEVER been ANY champion
figure skaters of ANY ilk that were BORN in Ohio.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-26 09:02:10 UTC
[subject line changed back]
[bullshit snipped]
Talis Mann
2016-12-26 22:22:07 UTC
You're a brainless mentally ill troll, Chuckie, and you're too
stupid to simply shut the fuck up. DIE HORRIBLY.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-27 09:19:35 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
You're a brainless mentally ill troll, Chuckie, and you're too
stupid to simply shut the fuck up. DIE HORRIBLY.
I will NOT shut up. People have been trying to shut me up for over 22 YEARS,
and they have FAILED, and you will you.

I will NOT shut up!!!!!!
Talis Mann
2016-12-27 20:07:09 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
You're a brainless mentally ill troll, Chuckie, and you're too
stupid to simply shut the fuck up. DIE HORRIBLY.
I WILL shut up. People have been telling me to shut me up for over 22
YEARS, because I am MENTALLY ILL, and shit my pants.
I MUST shut up!!!!!!
I am right. You ARE too stupid to simply shut the fuck up, you
relentlessly stupid fucking mentally ill trolling shitpants.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-27 20:30:17 UTC
I will not shut up
Talis Mann
2016-12-27 21:34:31 UTC
I should shut up but am too much of a mentally ill troll to do so
Fixed it for you again. No charge, you drooling, slobbering,
pants-shitting troll.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-27 21:40:19 UTC
I will NEVER shut up!!!!!
Talis Mann
2016-12-27 21:42:10 UTC
I SHOULD shut up but am mentally ill and have to troll!!!!!
Fixed, public service, no need to thank me.

Fuck off, die soon, shut the fuck up, trolling shitstain.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-27 23:06:23 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
I SHOULD shut up but am mentally ill and have to troll!!!!!
Fixed, public service, no need to thank me.
Fuck off, die soon, shut the fuck up, trolling shitstain.
I will NEVER shut up!!!!!
Talis Mann
2016-12-28 01:37:19 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
I SHOULD shut up but am mentally ill and have to troll!!!!!
Fixed, public service, no need to thank me.
Fuck off, die soon, shut the fuck up, trolling shitstain.
I'm too MENTALLY ILL to shut up!!!!!
See how good it comes out when it's fixed, Cuckie?

Die soon, shut the fuck up now, you trolling vermin.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-28 12:15:37 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Die soon, shut the fuck up now, you trolling vermin.
Talis Mann
2016-12-28 18:09:45 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Die soon, shut the fuck up now, you trolling vermin.
Cuckie is MENTALLY ILL and TROLLS!!!!!!
And the only cure is for you to shut the fuck up now, you trolling
vermin. Notice that you don't even deny that you're trolling vermin?
Fritz Owl
2016-12-28 19:00:29 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Post by Talis Mann
Die soon, shut the fuck up now, you trolling vermin.
Cuckie is MENTALLY ILL and TROLLS!!!!!!
And the only cure is for you to shut the fuck up now, you trolling
You will NEVER shut me up!!!!
Talis Mann
2016-12-28 21:45:57 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Post by Talis Mann
Die soon, shut the fuck up now, you trolling vermin.
Cuckie is MENTALLY ILL and TROLLS!!!!!!
And the only cure is for you to shut the fuck up now, you trolling
I will NEVER stop being a mentally ill pants shitting troll!!!!
Eat shit, shut the fuck up, die. Any order, Cuckie.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-28 22:59:46 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Eat shit, shut the fuck up, die. Any order, Cuckie.
You cannot MAKE me shut up, and I will NOT!!!
Talis Mann
2016-12-29 18:59:48 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Eat shit, shut the fuck up, die. Any order, Cuckie.
You cannot MAKE me stop shitting my pants, and I will NOT!!!
So you don't deny you're a trolling dipshit.

Are you trying to make me do something, Cuckie?

Are you trying to tell me what to do, Cuckie?

How's your new hiding place working out for you, mentally ill
trolling shit-for-brains? Gonna run away and hide somewhere else,
shitstain? How's that demand to quit fixing your posts working
out for ya, brain-damaged pants-shitting drooling moron?

Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
Fritz Owl
2016-12-29 21:51:29 UTC
Post by Talis Mann
Now shut the fuck up, you mentally ill trolling dipshit.
Make me,

You KNOW you cannot make me.
Talis Mann
2016-12-29 22:41:28 UTC
Make me be a mentally ill troll,
Already done.
You KNOW it is so easy.
Yes, it certainly is.
